The main activity of BROCK ELECTRONICS SIA is wholesales of non-food products.
The company has been operating in this industry already since 1999.
At present we are one of the most rapidly developing and largest wholesale trade enterprises of domestic appliances in the Baltics.
BROCK ELECTRONICS SIA cooperation partners include all the largest DIY and grocery supermarket chains – such as Maxima, RD Electronics, ON/OFF, Obi, Expert, Madiamarkt, Mediashop Baltstore, Elkor and others.
We are partners and technical service providers of SEVERIN, SENCOR, LAMART, BRAND, MAXELL, ELESKO, ALPINA, APOLLO, LUMME, MARTA, TROYKA, Bomann, AEG, BROCK and many other enterprises in Latvia and Baltics. Our assortment is constantly increased and there is everything necessary – starting from hygiene products, toys, kitchen technologies, elements of lightning and furniture to highly technological products.
BROCK ELECTRONICS SIA is constantly evolving and upgrading our business. Since 2011, BROCK ELECTRONICS SIA partners have access to XML warehouse management software that enables them to obtain information online about current stock balances of any particular item at any given time. In the last year the company's turnover has increased 3 times.
For your convenience, we have set up a showroom at Latgales street 462, where you can view all our latest product samples, and a repair shop providing all kinds of repairs. More detailed information about repairs can be found in the Services section.
You may sign up for a visit to our showroom by calling +371 67297762, or with your regional representative.
In order to provide quality services, there is a BROCK ELECTRONICS SIA Sales Representative in each region of Latvia since 2011, and a BROCK ELECTRONICS SIA Export Manager in Lithuania and Estonia since 2013.
Looking forward to successful cooperation,
Starptautiskās konkurētspējas veicināšana
SIA BROCK ELECTRONICS ir noslēdzis 25.07.2018. līgumu Nr.SKV-L-2018/140 ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūru par atbalsta saņemšanu pasākuma “Starptautiskās konkurētspējas veicināšana” ietvaros, ko līdzfinansē Eiropas Reģionālās attīstības fonds